
Monday, September 8, 2008

A New Start

Well, we've only just begun. What a great day we had with the start of our new Compass Christian Church site in Roanoke. We had 247 on our first day open to the public! I'm amazed by that. I'm not much for numbers in church, but it's exciting to see how many people knew that our doors were "open for business." Our church put a huge ad (including the front cover with a picture of Jeremy & Trevor) in a local magazine ("Living" Keller/metroport edition) that went out to like 28K houses in the area. We had about 20 people say that they came because of that ad in the magazine. The article is really good and represents the heart of our group really well. We had several people make a decision for their lives yesterday including some who want to be baptized next week. How exciting is that? The angels are having a HUGE party right now! I can't wait to see all that God has planned for this community!

I have to admit I was very scared to move away from our home for the last 9 1/2 yrs, but God has continued to bless us for our obedience to His call. For those of you reading this who know us well, you know that we lived way out in the country for the last 2 yrs in Katy and had to drive A LOT! It made life difficult at times to be able to be in community with people and we really missed that. We now live about 5 minutes from Jenna's school and our church. We have Wal-Mart & Home Depot around the corner from us and are loving the small town feel of Roanoke, yet being about 15 minutes from the city life. God continues to bring new people along our path that we just get to love on and share life with.

In my last blog, I wrote about "friends for life" and am still seeing how God is using people in our lives. We have a dear friend who was in our youth ministry for 4-5 yrs who decided that when she graduated college that she wanted to come work with us. She is now Trevor & Jeremy's admin, Jeremy's asst soccer coach for Jenna's soccer team, and my dear friend. The team that we have to work with in starting this church is awesome. Each of them brings such a unique heart and desire to serve the Lord that encourages me even more with each day.

I thank God for this new start in ministry. I thank Him for not allowing us to get burned out, but keeping life fresh and new each day.


Jeff said...

Wow! What an incredible start for this new community! Thanks for leaving me the note on the C3 prayer blog- we're all grateful to have you as a prayer partner. Know that I've been praying for you guys, and will continue to do so- I'm excited to hear about all He has in store for you! Blessings :)

Kim said...

I read the story in the magazine - how cool that they got on the front cover?!? :) Did you keep a bunch of copies?? :) It's awesome to see God move where He plants us! Ephesians 3:20-21 all the way!

Sherrie Deuell said...


I'm so excited for you and Jeremy. We miss you and the kids. Steve and I have moved and are just loving our new home.

God Bless sweet friend.
Sherrie D.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this a fun ride...I am so glad that we get to do this with you and Jeremy!!!